
Areglo di Pago

Meter Read Registration Custom Code

Areglo di Pago Aplicacion


Bo tin cobransa di coriente atrasa?

Nos ta ofrece areglo di pago pa cobransa di coriente atrasa pa september y oktober 2024.

Rekisito pa aplicacion pa cliente RESIDENCIAL:

· Cobransa di coriente te cu luna di augustus 2024 mester ta paga

· Meter mester ta na nomber di cliente cu ta aplica pa areglo di pago

Rekisito pa aplicacion pa cliente COMERCIAL:

· Cobransa di coriente te cu luna di augustus 2024 mester ta paga

Si bo cumpli cu rekisitonan menciona y bo ta desea di aplica pa un areglo di pago, yena e formulario digital.

Bo tin un pregunta?
Manda nos bo pregunta.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have trouble with my electricity, how will N.V. Elmar assist me?

    In case you are experiencing full or partial outage the customer should make sure that it is not a tripped breaker or a blown fuse. If all of these are working properly you should contact N.V. Elmar at (297) 523-7147 and we will respond to your querie. In case you are experiencing dim or flickering lights, please contact Elmar and we will investigate the issue. If the issue is with your internal wiring you should contact a certified electrician for assistance.

  • There was a power outage in my neighborhood and my appliances got damaged, will N.V. Elmar provide me with new ones?

    According to our connection terms, N.V. Elmar is not responsible for possible damages to any electronic devices as consequence of a power outage.

  • What should be done when the customer is deceased, in order to transfer ownership of the account?

    The applicant must supply the certified death certificate (overlijdingsakte) as well as the valid proof of the official heir of the property, authorization of the majority of heirs and valid proof of indentification.

  • I was involved in an accident and have damaged N.V. Elmar’s property, what do I need to do?

    Call N.V. Elmar immediately and we will assess the damage. We advise to call the police and your insurance company.

  • Can I place: signs, flags or a basketball hoop on a pole?

    For safety and assets protection, it is prohibited by law to add any object to the poles. All foreign objects attached to our poles will be removed.
